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    from the heart of Divinity,  channeled for healing & inner transformation.


    Photo of Linda Raphael

    Healing sessions can be received from a distance, in the comfort of your own home.

    Meet Linda

    I thought I found the Divine when I was less than five years old. I was attending the candlelight Christmas Eve service. A lovely voice from the back of the church sang "Oh Holy Night." I couldn't see the singer and thought it must be an angel. When the flickering candles made my mother's costume jewelry scatter rainbow sparkles on my hands while mysterious shadows danced on the stained glass walls, I knew God had certainly entered the church.

    We weren't a religious family, and I eventually realized the "magic" I had experienced that night was illusion. But my desire to realize true Magic was still alive. However, I led a very normal life for many years. But, my journey changed dramatically and I found Magic in 2005  in my first VortexHealing® training.

    Image - Two adirondack chairs in lavendar field
    image - silhouette person looking at rainbow milky way sky


    VortexHealing channels the energy of magical transformation into our consciousness and body, bringing profound relief from problems that can affect us on a daily basis, on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level.


    Consciousness is conditioned to respond to life. That conditioning has structure. VortexHealing works by chanelling Divine energy and consciousness to break down that structure and awaken your identity with it.


    Issues ranging from ongoing or occasional emotional issues like anxiety, fear, and insomnia to more serious illnesses like viruses and disease, can be transformed by VortexHealing Divine Energy Healing. 


    Image - Eyes closed, relaxed woman

    What to Expect

    Conditioning  is based on our perceived experience of separateness. Conditioning and negative patterning cannot simply be released. It must be transformed back into light, back into the wholeness from which it came. This transformation requires Divine light and consciousness. The energetic tools I use are unique expressions of that Divine light and consciousness. Every session is a unique, personal journey and a movement on the path of your return to Oneness, which is our true nature.

    What Can We Focus on During a Session?

    Emotional Issues


    Loss, Grief, Isolation, Depression, Fears, Anger, Stress, Invasive Mind Chatter

    Clear Old Conditioning

    Manifest New Patterns

    Viruses & Infections


    Long Covid


    Immune System Related Issue


    Optimize & Heal Specific Organs & Systems

    Personal Situations Relationships

    Professional Path

    Spiritual Obstacles

    Ancestral Influences

    Physical Issues

    & Injuries


    Energetic Support - Medical Treatments   Cancer & Other Disease


    Genetic Imprints

    Nurture & Harmonize Systems & Organs

    Re-Manifest & 

    Optimize Chakras, Energetic Bodies & Pathways


    Clear Imprints & Karmic Blocks





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    Consciousness is conditioned to respond to life. That conditioning has structure. VortexHealing works by accessing Divine energy and consciousness to break down that structure and awaken your identity with it.

    -Ric Weinman, Founder of VortexHealing®

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    VortexHealing® is not a replacement for medical treatment. Please consult your physician for medical issues in addition to any complementary healing you receive.
    "VortexHealing®" is a registered service mark of R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights Reserved. Used here with permission. For more information please visit

    © 2022 by Linda Anusree Raphael. 

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