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    You are the living expression of the Divine,  experiencing itself as you.

    -Ric Weinman, Founder of VortexHealing

    Image - Figure looks at milkly way in black sky

    Manifesting Health
    With VortexHealing®

    The philosophy of VortexHealing is that all of life is One, expressing Itself as this experience of creation.


    The common experience of life is one of separation, that we are a particular being, essentially separate from everything else in creation and separate from the Universal Source of creation. This creates all sorts of issues and false identities that, over time, imprint or condition every level of the human system. The web of this conditioning and patterning is incredibly deep, creating blockages and distortions in the energy system.


    VortexHealing accesses the energy of Magical transformation to release this conditioning on every level, restoring emotional balance and energetic strength so that health prevails.


    There are divine beings that exist outside of our realm of space and time who live in Oneness. They are expressions of pure source. One of these beings, called Merlin, is the power behind VortexHealing. Merlin embodies the quality of “magical transformation."


    VortexHealing is a magical healing system that channels Divine energy and consciousness to break down and release our conditioning and patterns and restores health and well-being. It accelerates or evolutionary process, helping us to realize our potential, and to remember the freedom and Oneness that is our true nature.

    Image of rock maze, sea, person walking
    woman and child with flower vortex

    Healing sessions can be received from a distance, in the comfort of your own home.

    What Can We Focus on During a Session?

    Emotional Issues


    Loss, Grief, Isolation, Depression, Fears, Anger, Stress, Invasive Mind Chatter

    Clear Old Conditioning

    Manifest New Patterns

    Viruses & Infections


    Long Covid


    Immune System Related Issue


    Optimize & Heal Specific Organs & Systems

    Personal Situations Relationships

    Professional Path

    Spiritual Obstacles

    Ancestral Influences

    Physical Issues

    & Injuries


    Energetic Support - Medical Treatments   Cancer & Other Disease


    Genetic Imprints


    Nurture & Harmonize Systems & Organs

    Re-Manifest & 

    Optimize Chakras, Energetic Bodies & Pathways


    Clear Imprints & Karmic Blocks





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    VortexHealing® is not a replacement for medical treatment. Please consult your physician for medical issues in addition to any complementary healing you receive.
    "VortexHealing®" is a registered service mark of R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights Reserved. Used here with permission. For more information please visit

    © 2022 by Linda Anusree Raphael. 

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