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    Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.


    two year old Linda with a puppy

    My Journey

    I could describe my life as before VortexHealing and then after VortexHealing (AVH). Before VH, I was a Master Teacher of several Reiki lineages. Working at the Omega Institute in New York, I had taken workshops with a number of teachers, yet didn't practice most of those modalities. My healing work included using Reiki, sound healing, crystals, Yuen Energetics, and shamanism. 


    I took my first VH class with the founder, Ric Weinman at Omega Institute in 2005. VH had so many classes. With my background in Reiki, I couldn't comprehend what they were up to with all these classes. I decided to take the course, and I really thought I was going to be able to take one class and "figure it out."


    Well, in the first hour of the class, Ric gave us a few demonstrations of VH energy and my mind was blown. I was all in! These many years of working with VH since that day have been miraculous. 


    I have trained to the highest level certification of VH training, MI level -Manifest Intention. All the VH tools are unique and effective, but these higher level energies are really profound. Yes, Magical! I now work exclusively with VH and the Angelic energies that can be utilized with VH, and an ancient modality that has been passed to me by my ancestors. I have found the Magic!

    Healing sessions can be received at a distance, in the comfort of your own home.

    image - hand holding feather with fading sun behind it
    image - Wall painted "make people feel loved today."
    sunset in Jericho

    What Can We Focus on During a Session?

    Emotional Issues


    Loss, Grief, Isolation, Depression, Fears, Anger, Stress, Invasive Mind Chatter

    Clear Old Conditioning

    Manifest New Patterns

    Viruses & Infections


    Long Covid


    Immune System Related Issue


    Optimize & Heal Specific Organs & Systems

    Personal Situations Relationships

    Professional Path

    Spiritual Obstacles

    Ancestral Influences

    Physical Issues

    & Injuries


    Energetic Support - Medical Treatments   Cancer & Other Disease


    Genetic Imprints


    Nurture & Harmonize Systems & Organs

    Re-Manifest & 

    Optimize Chakras, Energetic Bodies & Pathways


    Clear Imprints & Karmic Blocks





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    VortexHealing® is not a replacement for medical treatment. Please consult your physician for medical issues in addition to any complementary healing you receive.
    "VortexHealing®" is a registered service mark of R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights Reserved. Used here with permission. For more information please visit

    © 2022 by Linda Anusree Raphael. 

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