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    I honor the place in you where the entire universe dwells. I bow to the place in you that is love, light, and joy. When you and I bow to our true nature, we are one. My soul recognizes your soul.

    Image- woman smiling in meditation pose

    What to Expect

    VortexHealing is a Magical healing modality that accesses Divine consciousness to connect with and transform consciousness in your system on a cellular level. Sessions can be done in person or at a distance. YES!  Distance sessions can be as equally powerful.


    For distance healing, we will start the session with a phone call. You will describe your concerns, questions, and what you want to work on. As we talk, I may ask questions and be silent for  a while as I tune in and bridge into your system to start the session. You can then go relax while the energy is channeled. You can meditate, sit in a garden, lay down, enjoy some soothing music and be comfortable. It is alright if you fall asleep. For some  sessions we may connect for some of the session by phone, video chat, or by texting or messaging. When I have finished the session, I will call you and we can talk about what you experienced and my impressions. I may be channeling additional energy as we chat. I have clients from all over the world who I work with from a distance. Isn't Magic great?


    Some issues may take several sessions to address, but we can work at a pace that is comfortable for you. Releasing struggle is part of the healing process. I want you to look forward to your healing sessions with me.


    We are on a journey of returning to our original self... Oneness, manifesting health, well-being and peace. I am always inspired by this work and the beauty of the Divine connection I am able to share. I am honored to work with you. 

    Image Person on bench on mirror lake
    Hands holding giving comfort

    Healing sessions can be received from a distance, in the comfort of your own home.

    What Can We Focus on During a Session?

    Emotional Issues


    Loss, Grief, Isolation, Depression, Fears, Anger, Stress, Invasive Mind Chatter

    Clear Old Conditioning

    Manifest New Patterns

    Viruses & Infections


    Long Covid


    Immune System Related Issue


    Optimize & Heal Specific Organs & Systems

    Personal Situations Relationships

    Professional Path

    Spiritual Obstacles

    Ancestral Influences

    Physical Issues

    & Injuries


    Energetic Support - Medical Treatments   Cancer & Other Disease


    Genetic Imprints


    Nurture & Harmonize Systems & Organs

    Re-Manifest & 

    Optimize Chakras, Energetic Bodies & Pathways


    Clear Imprints & Karmic Blocks





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    VortexHealing® is not a replacement for medical treatment. Please consult your physician for medical issues in addition to any complementary healing you receive.
    "VortexHealing®" is a registered service mark of R. Weinman VH Trust. All rights Reserved. Used here with permission. For more information please visit

    © 2022 by Linda Anusree Raphael. 

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